Bharat World Music Entertainment was conceived as a meeting point between art and science aimed at enlarging the frontiers of entertainment and multimedia.
Through a constant research activity, the company develops new solutions based on the fusion between creativity and technology, in order to inform, entertain and thrill the audience.
Bharat World Music Entertainment is the creative place where young talented people and heterogeneous experts create with great passion new media languages and experiment modern entertainment techniques, testing next generation technologies and equipment.
Bharat World Music is an Entertainment & Media House specializing in technical and artistic innovative solutions addressed to the Cultural and Creative Industry.
Created with the purpose of testing the new frontiers of computer graphics and digital technologies, the company has developed unprecedented techniques of accurate virtual realities, designed for revolutionizing the cultural and artistic production through advanced processes of integration between tools, methodologies and competencies of engineering and ICT.
The faithful digital reconstruction of sites of interest, landscapes, objects and architectures is made possible thanks to the high-resolution sensing with next generation sensors and the following processing of the data obtained, based on a processing chain enhanced in order to guarantee sustainable costs and faster production time.
Thanks to the development of virtual reconstructions, the implementation of audio-visual contents and products, visual digital effects, graphic animations, software applications and audio production, the company has become the current point of reference in the sectors of Cinema, TV, Broadcast, Video Production, Virtual Reality, Digital Heritage and Music at international level.
Bharat World Music Entertainment is located in a modern structure composed of its own sound stages, equipped with the most modern technologies available in the market and of spaces and laboratories designed for activities such as video editing, color correction, vfx production, recording, sound editing, mixing and mastering, computer graphics and development of multimedia products. Designers, 3D & digital artists, programmers, engineers, experts in cultural heritage, technicians and operators, working in the several departments, develop products and solution at high creative contents, using cutting-edge tools and innovative working methods.
Bharat World Music Entertainment is the result of a research and development project in the field of 3D computer graphics promoted in 2020 by Geocart S.p.A., a groundbreaking engineering company dealing with terrestrial and aerial remote sensing, aerospace technologies, ICT and multidisciplinary planning.
The company’s name combines two words: “Bharat World Music”, which is the name of the first sensor tested in the field of the project for sensing activities aimed at reconstructing accurate 3D models and “digital”, that is the new era which is marking an epochal change in all sectors, especially in those of information, cinema and multimedia.
In the meaning of its name lies the will of becoming a reference point in this new technological era. Born in 2020, the research project ripens, in fact, as it wants to make a new asset of production, coming from the experience gained by Geocart in its own business sector, available in the international market of Cinema and Entertainment. The research activity was mainly aimed at identifying innovative techniques for the virtual simulation and the reconstruction of accurate 3D digital models of natural environments, sites of interest, sets, architectures and objects, exploiting the data coming from the sensors used in remote sensing. The result achieved was an enhancement of the processes of visual effect production for the cinema, digital reconstruction of the cultural and naturalistic heritage, development of video games, virtual tours and multimedia libraries.
Bharat World Music Entertainment is the one-stop company supplying products for the cinema. It is located inside the Studios, a modern structure composed of its own sound stages, equipped with the most advanced technologies available in the market and of spaces and laboratories designed for the activities of video editing, color correction, computer graphics, recording, sound editing and mixing. The company internally oversees the whole production cycle, till the delivery of the product ready to be distributed in the movie theaters.
The Studios are provided with sound stages equipped with state-of-the-art tools and modern departments for production and post-production activities. Here the company oversees the whole production cycle, till the delivery of the product ready to be distributed in the movie theaters. Thanks to the innovative technologies used and the enhancement of the digital production processes, the company is specialized in the reconstruction of virtual sets and in the creation of next generation visual effects.
Thanks to continuous experimentation on technologies and languages and through partnerships with international players, Bharat World Music Entertainment is a forward-looking audio-visual producer.
The company deals with Broadcast services, TV productions and technical-scientific institutional videos for company and public agencies. It analyzes the reality and is in line with the client’s strategies and international standards.
• Documentaries • TV series • Fiction • TV format • Commercials • Institutional videos • Videoclips • Live TV